Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are?

I remember reading Rumi many years ago, and there were these words that stuck with me…and off I went to ponder…yes I am still pondering but here’s my thoughts…

“In order to learn about yourself, you must first unlearn everything you think you already know.” Rumi

Rumi had it down in beastmode and was a legend as far as I’m concerned. For me, this quote is all about becoming aware of how we have been conditioned. Your conditioning is your filter by which you see the world and trust me, when you start messing with the filter, a whole lot starts to change in your life.

In the same way as Snapchat filters make your cheekbones look amazing and your skin look flawless, your conditioning is what makes you see the world the way you see the world. All your thoughts, ideas, beliefs, behaviours and reactions are as a result of your conditioning or the filters you have. Your entire identity is built up around these filters – scary isn’t it?

For anyone who is “on the path” and is seeking to live more from the heart, understanding conditioning is a concrete step towards breaking free of your limitations. I say this because I can see it happening every single day, and I’m living it and shedding more and more every day.

A lot of my work is with awakened souls on the path trying to make sense of this journey called life, and we are all kindred spirits. I’m here to help, that’s part of me living my purpose.

If you are interested, I do a one to one session on conditioning that will really help you to explore this within yourself.

My healing sessions will also help you to understand your filters better, and this is what helps us to resolve how we feel about certain situations that may be happening to us.

I’m all about bringing things to light, including your conditioning so if you would like to work with me, I’m up for it!

Get in touch either by phone or email, and let’s chat.

Ps. I’m rubbish with Snapchat!



Moving on…

Well…it’s been quite a hideous February! It started well and good and it really has been snowballing energy wise. There is so much coming up to clear!

For me personally, it has been a month of “out with the old.” It’s easier said than done when you undertake the process of detachment. I’ve always experienced cycles like this in my life and so it isn’t a new process, but there is something finite about the energy this month. There are people, situations, ideas and beliefs that I realise are now out of date.

You’ll know what I mean if you think about what is taking up “maintenance” in your life. I’ve been asking myself some heavy questions, and in particular where I feel like a connection to something or someone is not a joyful or meaningful exchange, I’m detaching myself from it. Now this is heavy stuff, because it brings up all sorts of emotions. Anger, guilt, resentment to name but a few. It just makes us realise how we can be held to ransom by these feelings.

The over-riding energy this month has been instability and we are learning to stand bolt upright amidst a stunningly breathtaking backdrop of uncertainty. The lesson to learn from this is TRUST and this is one of the hardest lessons because it means we have to overcome FEAR.

Fear is created by the mind, and so our higher self needs to overcome the mind. Therein lies the battle, and I think the phrase “losing my mind” captures exactly what it feels like.

To close your senses to your logical mind with it’s ideas of safety feels reckless yet exhilarating. Oscillating between fear and ecstacy and free falling in to the unknown.

To open your senses to your heart mind with its knowingness and clarity feels serene and still. There is no need for movement, for action unless it is intuitively driven.

This is a new way of being, and one that many are experiencing as we evolve in consciousness and ascend. For me personally, I’m still learning to navigate these different dimensions and it can be pretty challenging.

If you would like to know more about ascension energies, including receiving regular energy updates and forecasts, please do get in touch!


Pathway 7: Remembrance and Preservation

Pathway 7: Al-Hafiz – Remembrance and Preservation


I found it quite curious when after what feels like an eternity, I picked up this book again and asked to be shown a pathway that I needed to explore. I have been away for a few months, working on myself mainly, but starting to emerge again after the processing time and feeling ready to write and film again.

I would say this pathway was the beginning of the turnaround and re-entry in to my Blog and Vlog space in many ways. The pathway is about staying within yourself and not getting thrown off balance with success or failure. A deep lesson to be learned and it covers the ground between the last pathway to this very one.

This pathway is more introspective than some of the ones that we have covered so far even though all the pathways call for this inward look. Simply observing your outward reality will show you a reflection of the Universe within you. I feel like I have gone from chaos to silence. From complexity to simplicity and back again.

It felt like I entered a void, like a black hole. For me, it is terrifying and comforting all at the same time when I go through this process. I’ve been a bit of a hermit, and emerging in my own time feels like the best way for me. And I am emerging. It feels like I’m starting to fly without fear and happy to simply to burn in the light. We talked of being undone in the last pathway, and in a previous one we spoke of burning away tension and grief. I feel like those processes are ending, and another is beginning. I can’t really describe the feeling, but it’s a shade of enlightenment that involves action and for me that’s slightly intimidating but enables me to realise my potential.

Exploring this pathway we are reminded to ask ourselves, “What are we about?” and “What is the purpose of what we are doing?” It really is worth a stop and look sometimes. The festive break gives us an opportunity to review and take stock. Sometimes just the thought of it makes us want to run for the hills. One way or another, either by force or by choice, we enter in to a space that is either hostile or welcome.

Going in this void (willingly or reluctantly!) is one way that those big questions can be answered. It felt as if I had to go in and retrieve yet more parts of myself that were lost. In the healing room, this is what I do for other people and it’s a beautiful gift. Self-mastery on the other hand is a whole other ballgame and walking your talk when there’s chaos ensuing in your life is tough.

I notice as I write this blog that my tone and my energy have changed. I feel as if I am (in this moment) connected to my purpose and getting closer to actualisation. I have no fear neither do I have excitement. Simply staying within and that is one the beautiful lessons of this pathway.

I say “in this moment” because it only applies in this single moment. I notice that when we are “doing life” this connection and the awareness of it can sometimes be forgotten. I keep having to remind myself.

Hafiz is an interesting word. It means “preserver” or “guardian”. In Islam, a person that has memorised the entire Quran and taken it’s knowledge and wisdom to his/her heart is known as “Hafiz/ah.”

Extending the metaphor that the physical body is protecting the organs within, it makes perfect sense that our outer shell or persona is what preserves the Divinity within. Now I could write for hours about my thoughts on this, but suffice to say that the entire Universe, all the knowledge and wisdom within it exists inside of me. It exists inside of you. Under the chaos of life, we only need to know where to look to find it. We are all travelling in our own internal universe and as we move towards the light, our paths converge and unify. We can apply the idea of preservation on a personal level and on a collective level. We protect ourselves, and we protect our world – however you choose to define “world.” In essence, we are all atoms of the One same being.

However, if you’ve ever been in the void, you’ll know that it is a very complicated filing system! You go in looking for one thing, and you may stumble upon something else that catches your attention. If you’re anything like me, you could be in there all day! Days, weeks, months…so let’s just say I got lost in the archives looking for something and this is what I came back with.

What I perhaps hadn’t realised, which is more pertinent for me of late, is that I’ve always thought of myself (in relation to this work) as a Sharer or WayShower. I hadn’t even considered the possibility of being a preserver or a guardian of the knowledge and wisdom I have access to, and that we all have access to.

That’s deep right? And it’s also challenging, because therein lies responsibility. Unusually for me, there is a consciousness and a need for perfection in the way these messages are delivered. What started out as an experiment now feels like important work, for my own learning and benefit and for others reading this. I feel I am changing on the inside and extending what was learnt in the last pathway. What I hold is something of value and I am conscious that it is within me. “Preservation is for the purpose of passing something valuable on to others.”

That moment when it hits you that time has gone by, you’re 38 years old and you have work to do!

This is it!

You can find my website at www.healingworksreiki.com

Follow me on Facebook/healingworksreiki

My 2017 … bouncing back!

My 2017…

There is nothing you can’t come back from. You WILL bounce back.

For myself, and for many people I know, 2017 has been a really tough year. I started the year saying 2017 was going to be the best year ever. I said it was going to be amazing. Damn! I even had it on my wall!

It has been amazing in lots of ways, but it has also been gruelling in others. Those that know me know what I’ve had to face on a personal level, and I don’t need to share any of that but I do think I want to share the lessons. It feels like this year has been a year of walking my talk, and of putting spiritual lessons in to practice. I’ve been constantly catching up with myself in so many ways and finally at the end of the year I feel like I’m starting to break even.

This year has seen me totally dissect and rebuild myself and my life and it feels like the hard work is now really starting to bear harvest. It has been immense highs and lows. I feel like now that we are coming to the end of the year, I look back and see that it didn’t break me. It made me. I’ve learnt I am resourceful. I’ve learnt that I am loved. I have learnt that above all, I am able to maintain kindness regardless of my own personal battles. And I know my spirit is STRONG!
Most of all, I come to the end of this year with a realisation about my WHY! I do what I do because I love what I do. Healing, helping and teaching is what I came here to do and as long as I am focused on that, everything will continue falling in to place.

I love the beauty of what I do. To impact, to positively influence, to inspire, to awaken, to teach, to love. Being a good human being matters to me, regardless of what others are doing to me, or at me, I have stayed in my stillness not slayed in the chaos!

This year, I’ve also learnt the importance of fun and laughter. I’ve deepened my connections with people. I’ve strengthened existing bonds and made new friends. I’ve set clearer boundaries and really operated on my own terms more forcibly than in the past. I have grown in confidence, tackled and confronted obstacles head on. I’ve taken important decisions, followed my heart more and I can honestly say I am open to receive and it’s easy to trust. The theme this year has been “Don’t panic!” I’ve watched, waited and seen that the Universe never lets me down. I believe in the magic!

I don’t know what 2018 will bring, and I don’t want to tempt fate as I did in 2017! The Universe has thrown everything it could in terms of lessons at me this year, and now that it’s all out of the way, it’s time to look forward to 2018 with optimism.

I’m ending the year in a contemplative mood, and a feeling of relief in that I’ve got through it!
It’s time to reset, recharge and reboot ready for a jam packed January and I can’t wait to stuck in!
Rolling my sleeves up ready!!!

I am READY! Let’s do this!

Emotions are art…

Emotional Intelligence – don’t you just love that phrase?!

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to recognise your own and other people’s emotions.

Emotions are interesting and fascinating to me. Human Beings are like intricate pieces of art, or complex mechanical sculptures in the way we are put together. That’s why I’m in love with my work because it gives me such a depth of understanding of how different people view their own emotions, experience them, hold them, shut them out, play with them. I love complexity and detail. I love presenting information in different ways. I love communicating ideas.

I’ve had a lot of exposure to a range of people, experiences and emotions as well as getting to grips with my own, and emotions are something I love to observe and study both in myself and in others. There’s always patterns, and then exceptions to the rule and every individual is unique and different.

It’s like studying the threadwork of a rich tapestry, the colours, the inflections, the tones. I kind of look at people and art in a similar way. I observe and I work out how things work and balance. No two people are the same. Even if they come with the same issue, what they need will be very different. My strength is in understanding and responding in way that complements your unique make up. My sessions are custom made according to what my clients need. I provide contrast and counterbalance where it’s needed, and bring out depth and texture when it’s called for. My work is my art and I love it!

Delicious intricacies and complications are the reason why I love my work and I love life and human beings. Thoughts and emotions move at a speed that is way too quick which is sometimes the reason why it’s difficult for people to confront emotion. Racing thoughts serve a purpose, and that purpose is to prevent you from the confrontation.

I have time to study this because it’s my work to, and the insight and knowledge is what allows me to help my clients. Clients come to me with a puzzle, and we look at the pieces together. Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes helps get a different perspective on things.

My job is to help you to understand yourself, and go deeper and deeper in to this. Whether it is healing, coaching or teaching you’re after, know that you’ll get a unique experience with me.

Let’s have a chat and get started!


I don’t want to be a hippy…

I don’t want to be a hippy – I just want to be myself!

There was a time when I’d hang off the words of my spiritual teachers and take what they said as gospel. For the most part, that stood me in good stead until I started feeling extremely uncomfortable and I knew it was because this wasn’t MY truth. I was being told all sorts about how I needed to be to do this kind of work, and I perhaps didn’t see the energy of manipulation as clearly as I can see it now.

As I’ve read, pondered, reflected and meditated, my views have changed. My truths…
-You don’t have to be a serious person to be taken seriously. You DO need to be secure in your own sense of self and know it well.

-You don’t have to change because someone else is telling you that’s what spiritual people do.

-You DO need to be authentic and true to yourself about what you want to change. Listen to yourself and feel in your own body what feels right and wrong for you. Listen to your own signals.

-Respect other people’s versions of the truth and their right to live by what they believe is right for them. It doesn’t make them wrong because they’re not doing it your way.

“We are as the flute and the music in us is from Thee.” Rumi

We are all the same energy, but we all play differently. Stay true to your own expression.

Yes, there are Universal Truths but as your consciousness expands, as do the layers and depth of meaning of these truths. Interpretations that you allocate are bound to change over time and through experience of living these truths.

It’s pretty easy to get all judgy and preachy about these things.

My way is simple, and when I teach this is my approach. Do it your own way and make it your own thing. Be curious about how others approach things and be open to trying it. If it’s not for you, go back to doing it your way. And if you end up changing your mind, so what? You’re allowed to.

We grow and we change. What’s right for us now is right for us right now. It’s not how we will be forever.

Take the pressure off yourself. Remind yourself every day, you’re alive! You made it!

We really don’t have anything to lose by exploring new ideas. We have nothing to lose by getting it wrong. We have everything to gain by learning.

As my mate Sadhguru says, this experience of life is a stepping stone to the next place. Why stop when you can keep moving?

Interested in exploring? Check out my YouTube channel where you can find more of these life lessons and ponderings…!

Click Here to View


Pathway 5: Exaltation

This is the pathway that I have been exploring since my last blog in this series. Exaltation – a feeling or state of extreme happiness. The action of elevating someone in rank or power.

This pathway talks about life as a game of snakes and ladders with the highs being high, and the lows being excruciatingly low. For me this resonates, having lived between these extremes for most of my life and constantly fighting to find a balance; a meeting place of these extremes where life can make sense. It raised the question of the extent to which I am really doing this; the extent to which these feelings of elation and sadness can co-exist in the same place.

We know things can change in an instant and it doesn’t take much to turn your life upside down, especially if you are already feeling vulnerable. I started this pathway high as a kite. Everything was going just as I wanted it do and then BAM! It’s a false sense of security when things are going well sometimes. In my head, reading this pathway led me to believe that I was going to continue in elation, and my lesson is never assume and take that for granted!

So we had a double whammy with my new car being damaged and heat and light problems at work. And there’s me thinking it’ll be plain sailing from now! I couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve not had the best run of luck this year, but I’ve kept going and this pathway illuminated and pinpointed for me exactly what I was doing to get through so that I could do it on purpose rather than by accident. Having read the pathway, my mission was to stay at balance point and watch what was happening around me and inside me.

At times, we hold on with our minds so tightly and I found myself constantly trying to undo my grip. One of the lessons is that with enough time, things start to resolve themselves, but in the process of holding on with your mind and wanting to resolve it yourself, you can not see any difference in the situation. At this point, you really do need to get out of your own way and allow it to become clearer itself and it will resolve. That in itself is deep discomfort, and I had to welcome the deep discomfort. It enabled feelings of deep anger and resentment to rise and burn away within me. (See the previous pathway for more on burning away tension and hurt) I realised that what I was holding on to really didn’t matter at all. With me, it was holding on to this thing called “the principle of the thing.” That in itself tells me a lot because it is the need to be right that comes from Ego and fear of being wrong and being undone. I can see just how much suffering is caused simply by holding on to the principle of the thing.

Yes, fight justice with truth, but don’t expect that it matters to other people as much as it matters to you. Then you realise what you’re seeking is for others to see your point of view and understand it and empathise with it. Great if that actually happens, but what it tells me is that it is way more difficult to accept that that is not how it actually is. It is more difficult to accept things as they are. The ego is saying, “Am I the only one who cares?” and therein lies the problem. That’s the martyr in me speaking and that needs to go.

There’s a part of you that feels like you’re being taken for a mug and treated as a pushover and you’re so busy trying to prove you are not a pushover that you lose sight of everything else, including your ego. It becomes a fight to the death for the principle. The thing is that you can’t redress that balance yourself. All that is within your power is to seek to find peace in your own heart, step out of ego and allow things to be as they are. Know that whatever is happening is actually for your highest good, even if it doesn’t feel good for you in the moment. It’s also having faith in this and taking the lesson.

It feels like I have gone full circle again in a lot of ways. My natural instinct has always been to FIGHT! I’ve trained myself to fight because I felt like I always had to and I’ve never won at any of the things I’ve been fighting. Ironic, right?

Then I decided to put the fight down and go against every fibre of my own conditioning and put the fight down. Fighting is exhausting. Allowing things to be is also exhausting in it’s own way.

But after the exhaustion of undoing that tight grip your mind has on everything, I find myself in free fall. The space where I can watch everything happening and not be bothered by it. That’s peace. That is Exaltation.

I used to find the free falling terrifying but to be still and not be riled by it is a whole different feeling altogether. It takes a lot of inner work, and I’m by no means an expert. I’m still learning to master it. It is in itself a process.

One of the greatest joys has been the way time stands still in this place. It’s hard to explain, but it’s like weightlessness and slow motion. For someone who has a natural tendency to be impatient, it’s bound to throw me!

This feels like a new way for me. A way that I am still learning to master. It’s a different kind of bliss. I understand the idea of high and low existing in the same space. As you watch it, you notice that you are watching it inside of you and this is very different to keeping the happy face on outwardly when you feel like life is falling apart around you.

Exaltation is the feeling exists when we fully embrace and allow ourselves to be undone.

And this life will undo you. I give it permission to and allow it to happen more and more now. It’s how I explore my human, my soul and Oneness.

Until next time…


Show up for your dream and your dream will show up for you!

Pathway 4: Burning away tension and hurt

Oooh!! It just got interesting!!!

I remember when I first got this book many years ago, and I used to open it for a pathway and more often than not, it fell open at this pathway. Perhaps because I had a lot of tension and hurt that needed to be burned away?

This pathway comes to me now in a whole different way, and there are many lessons that arise as a result. One of the reasons I’ve left it this late to write this particular blog is because I was waiting for the tension and hurt to shift, to burn away and to release. As soon as I read the pathway, I could feel it all coming up, bubbling away under the surface. All very familiar feelings, and I could feel the resistance straight away because I knew that once and for all, it was time to heal and lose the old wounds. There was a reason this pathway came at this moment, and it was because this is what I have been working towards.

There’s a moment when you can actually see how everything has led you to where you are. There is a moment within that moment where you feel so close to turning that corner within yourself and accessing the freedom you crave. It’s liberating and terrifying all at the same time. That’s why you put a block on it, and that’s what stops you from burning away the tension and hurt. You hold on with your mind, and it’s hard to let go. It’s difficult seeing beyond that point, and for me I could feel that had burning away in me for a long time.

If it was simple and straightforward, we would all be enlightened beings, but it really isn’t. Those darker feelings are there and yes although it would be wonderful to get rid of them, but imagine if you’ve never felt freedom and never seen real light before, that in itself can be overwhelming and painful. That’s why the spiritual journey, in my view, takes you in to the freedom and light a little at a time. It’s easier to digest that way, although as humans we are fixated on “when will it all be alright?” and for me this pathway brought up a really big realisation in seeing the bigger picture. There is no end point when all is alright. All is alright RIGHT NOW, it’s just how being human and having a mind complicates everything when life really is pretty simple. Just think of when you were a baby, your needs were taken care of and you didn’t worry because you felt safe. You didn’t think then as you do now, maybe one day it’ll be ok because that day you were always ok.

Those old feelings of being unsafe bubbled up with this pathway. I felt like I was on an angry rampage for a few days but I was watching carefully at what was triggering me. It’s simple – when things are not the way I want them to be, you better get out of my way! I can joke about it, and I’m not saying I’m some kind of Diva, but the deeper hurt and tension does come from this feeling of I can’t have what I want and that comes from my conditioning and my experiences in life. It takes time to undo all of that. I am in a better place, and I am not in the past. The deepest realisation for me is seeing beyond into where these moments can lead me. This moment is perfect because everything is happening as it should, but the tension and hurt and anger is a rejection of this moment because it’s not perfect in my eyes. That’s the reason I feel tension and hurt and anger. The only way to neutralise this is love, and loving yourself when you’re raging is hard!

It’s hard to look at the anger, hurt and tension in yourself because you know that it is going to be painful and when we reject and resist that moment, it becomes even more so. To truly burn it away is to treat it with love. Love is the only way to neutralise emotions and release them. Love is total acceptance of things as they are, and yourself as you are. Unconditionally.

You can’t make something happiness and heart unless you truly feel it. You have to be looking for it in yourself to truly feel it, and most of us don’t look until we come to a certain place in our lives. There are some people who just have the knack, life’s optimists, but it takes work depending on where you’ve been in your life and what you’ve experienced. At some point, we all throw the toys out of the pram because life isn’t going our way. It makes us unhappy and all because we are rejecting the here and now because it doesn’t look like how we wanted it to. The deep irony of life is that if we keep seeing it this way, life will never be what we want it to be. Right now is the perfect moment to be happy.

What is happiness anyway?

I think it’s rooted in freedom and freedom comes from being able to see what you’re doing to yourself and being able to stop it. The lesson for me which I feel cut the deepest is that I’ve been working so hard to love myself, and I’ve made some real progress with this but this pathway enabled me to notice that I can be horrible to myself still sometimes. I won’t take it if someone else treats me that way, but some of the things I catch myself saying to myself tell me that I could be a lot kinder sometimes.

As I was deep in meditation with this pathway, a realisation came to me. My mind wants to fix everything and that’s causing hurt and tension. I thought I had done away with my inner control freak, but as it turns out I haven’t fully! This is going to take some work and I can accept that is always going to be a part of me. It’s hard to undo conditioning because conditioning helps to keep you mentally and emotionally safe. It operates on a physical level though, so it stops you from taking action beyond your safety limit.

I am safe now though and so there is no need to try and fix anything. I find myself falling in love with my Creator on a whole other level as a result of this pathway and the realisation that there is something greater at work, always at work that has my best interests at heart. All I need to do is to get out of the way and stop trying my own interventions!

I remember when I first started meditating. I remember once doing a really long meditation and I was so determined to find the answer I was looking for. I insisted I would not get up until I knew what the answer was and I was there for about 3 – 4 hours. I searched in the silence for hours. I remember being calm and still and from nowhere a voice said, “Your job is not to know. Your job is to trust.” BOOM!! That message I know was really real because it came from nowhere. I have never forgotten it and working through this pathway, it has come up often for me. It’s a reminder. That real wisdom sits within, and I can access it if I am willing to listen.

The book talks about tension and hurt feeling like a pressure cooker and that life sometimes feels as if it is cooking you, softening you up and I feel this process. Life is so much easier if you tell yourself that everything is happening as it was meant to happen. You can’t make things go any faster or delay the pain. You are safe to go through it, and go through it you must. If only we knew what was on the other side of our suffering, I reckon we would skip through it without a care!!

I feel I have ended several chapters in my life and I’m on to new beginnings now. I feel safe as a result. I know there is nothing that can harm me. I know what my mind is doing. I know where the tension and hurt are coming from. I know that feeling those feelings is softening me and bringing me back to Source. Those feelings in themselves are indicators and signals that I need to seek Source to feel at ease.

Everything is perfect. It’s how we choose to see it. Knowing it is happening perfectly takes the pressure off and makes you more accepting of things the way they are. It helps burn away the tension and hurt to bring you to a place of serenity and peace, freedom and happiness. Even if that’s simply one moment, it is enough for me to continue seeking it.

Click here for the video!

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A letter to my old self…

A letter to my old self (and maybe to you too),

Dear Hafsa,

I’m writing this letter to you from your future. You know, that place that you can’t see right now because things feel a little rocky. I want you to know that this time did pass eventually, and you grew so much as a result.

I think you need to know what your future holds so that you can have some faith and keep going. You are full of light, but your light feels like it has gone out and you have nothing to carry on for. You need to know that because of you, so many lives are made so much brighter. Give it a couple of years, and you’ll see for yourself that people are so happy to have you around, and you’re going to be helping them through the same shit you’re going through now.

You need to know that you have a future, and you need to understand that you are not a victim. Everything you are experiencing, and what the world is showing you is the pain and suffering inside of you that needs to be cleared away. It will take a long time, and you will never stop clearing, but know that in a few years you’ll have cleared enough to see your way forward. You can’t see it now, but I guarantee you will. It’ll still feel cloudy from time to time, but when you’ve seen it once, it’ll be imprinted on your eyes forever and you’ll only look back to remember the lessons you’ve learnt.

At this moment, you are not listening, and you are not trusting that voice inside you that will lead you out of where you are now. You are holding on to the feelings because they feel familiar and comfortable to you. You are not present. Your mind is elsewhere, your body is going through the motions. You feel disconnected.

Fast forward a couple of years, and you’ll really understand what happiness feels like. I know you don’t believe me!!! You’ll know what it feels like to fly! You’ll be brave enough to quit that job, and you’ll be courageous enough to trust in your gift and your purpose. All good things will come to you. That I can promise you.

I know you feel like you’ve never fit in, but a couple of years from now, you’ll have created your own world. A world where you can be yourself and it feels good. You’ll keep learning how to shine bright so other people who struggle with fitting in will find you, and together you’ll build a community, a tribe of people who want to make a difference in the world.

You’ll keep playing small for a couple of years, until you see what’s possible, until you see the results of your work, and then my dear it really will be your time and you will be so ready for what’s to come next.

I know you’ll never stop working on it. You have that warrior spirit and you will keep on going because you’re too curious about life and what it has to offer. You will learn some deep lessons, and you will use those lessons to inspire others.

The pain is deep, but you are becoming the woman you came here to be and through this pain, you will find your gifts and your purpose. The right people will come in to your life at the right time, and when you look back, you’ll see how this was perfectly created for you.

I want you to lose the belief that you don’t deserve it, and you’re not worthy. I want you to focus on looking inside at all the gifts you have to offer, and share them with love and generosity. Be brave enough to stand out in a crowd. Be sure enough of yourself that it will bring you what you need and provide for you.

This is me from your future telling you that you were worried for nothing, and that everything will work out perfectly. It isn’t a case of “if” it will all happen. It is only a matter of time so you focus on “when” it happens and prepare yourself in the best way possible.

You already have everything you need within you, and your future is being created for you while you sleep. You do not have to do anything except to trust that it will be better than you imagine. It has been planned in perfection, and it will be delivered in Divine time. Just keep holding on. Do what you can to keep your head above the water, and We will do the rest for you.

My advice to you is to be yourself. Be authentic. Be honest. Stay true to what you believe. Work hard but enjoy life. Smile often. Give yourself a break. Live each day. Know that all your tomorrow’s are taken care of so you only need to live today.

Keep dreaming. Keep holding on. Keep helping people and keep the faith.

Good things really do happen to good people.

With unconditional love from your future,

Hafsa xx

Pathway 3: Universal Life Energy

Pathway 3: Al-Hayy – Universal Life Energy

“Everything we need can be found within us, when we feel our personal “I am” connected to the Universal “I Am”

This pathway introduces us to our own personal energy that we have within us. I’ve always talked about this energy as our own unique signature, and this pathway is about exploring what that is, and how we use it to connect to what’s around us.

For me, this has been a really important pathway and one that has brought with it a great deal of self-recognition. The pathway talks about the breath as the Life Force, and it talks about the ways in which we hold and contain energy within ourselves. I think more often than not, we forget that we are connected to something greater than ourselves. I do this work day in and day out, and I’m totally aware of that connection while I am working, but sometimes outside of this room, life takes over and it is easy to forget. We look outside for the answers sometimes and this pathway is teaching us that everything we need is within, and within is connected to something greater than ourselves. The breath is a constant reminder of our connection to that big “I AM” – the power of the universe.

In the introduction to the pathway, it mentions that we are looking to someone else to tell us what to do, especially if we are feeling lost. I can resonate with this. I do a lot of readings for people, and they are looking for just this information. A reading will just confirm what you are already thinking, but it feels reassuring that the same information has come from outside of you, from someone else. Funny that, because what it should really tell you is that you had the answers all along! It’s called being human, and reassurance in a tangible form from another human being can make all the difference sometimes. It’s what gives us confirmation and reassurance and makes us feel safe enough to take action and follow through.

The bulk of my work is to show people how to look for themselves, and when they find the information, how to build the strength to act on it. I think there is great benefit in having the guidance, so for me it’s about being shown where and how to look rather than being given the answers – does that make sense?

I remember when I finished my Reiki Master and my teacher said, “You’re on your own now – Goodbye!” I laughed, but because I knew there was a harsh and scary truth in that. As I’ve grown in what I do, more and more I find people looking to me for the answers. I have had to have a lot of patience sometimes, and know that all the deep diving and delving I do in to my own subconscious to retrieve my own answers helps others in finding theirs.

This pathway points to everything being within, and understanding that within is connected to outside. Within is for me the most natural place to be. I’ve mentioned in previous articles that navigating the outside world has never been easy for me. I prefer solitude, and I challenge myself continuously to connect in ways such as this because I realise that I am just as connected to the Earth as I am to the sky.

I find great comfort in that connection with the big “I AM” and I think it helps to see that connection in everything worldly. That’s a challenge. When shit gets real, you lose it, but it’s always coming back to that something you can call home. That connection is timeless and has always been there.

Living this pathway has brought me a new found confidence and trust, as well as patience and a realisation of purpose. I have all the tools within, sometimes I am just a little lazy to use them!

We are unique in the way that we connect to our Source, and we are unique in the way that life disconnects us from Source. The magic of life is discovery. The magic is knowing it doesn’t matter how many times you slip away, you always come home to that connection. In your darkest moments, that is what you connect to. When there is nobody else that can help, that’s what you call on to get you through.

However deep you go, you realise that you haven’t even scratched the surface. For me, this gives me great comfort. It means I will never run out of things to explore! I will always be learning and in this learning, I will always have a place to call home.

For the video that goes with this blog – CLICK HERE