99 Pathways of the Heart

Welcome to this new series of blogs which will be about my own personal journey navigating the pathways of the heart using Neil Douglas-Klotz book “The Sufi Book of Life.” This book has inspired me for years, and I have bought it and given it to friends and family. It is an absolute treasure trove of wisdom and I am so grateful for it!

I’ve had this book for years, and I’ve always opened it when I was in need of guidance. It has never let me down! Along with the guidance, is the name in Arabic followed by a meditation and it’s amazing how much serenity the practices bring.

I filmed the YouTube video before I wrote this piece. The words on the first page struck me right away, and gave me confirmation that I had set out on the right path, with the right intention!

He writes, “A good place to begin any journey is to practice the feelings of affirmation and negation, so that when choices arise, we can really feel how each alternative resonates within our innermost being. This is one way we can clarify our own sense of affirmation or resistance. Knowing our own true yes and no is part of being fully human.”

This blew me away as when I was introducing what I was about to do, I spoke about taking what resonates and leaving what doesn’t. For me, it felt like a real confirmation that I needed to take this journey, and it would lead me somewhere amazing!

The meditation asks to be still and learn what your yes and no feel like. This is deep. The body has a way of telling you what feels right and what doesn’t feel right. It is only with the stillness, with the nothing that you can feel and recognise these sensations. My practice today will be about feeling my yes and my no and in doing so, feeling the flow of yes and no in my life.

I feel I need some time to explore this, and so I will be back with what I have learnt when I have something deeper to share.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy watching my ramblings over however long it takes me to get through this! Please do get in touch with your own insights, as I would love to know what is resonating with you.

Lastly, I’d like to give credit to the author of this amazing book. I hope it continues to inspire and empower people as much as it has me.

Blessings and Peace




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